Guyana, a unique profitable environment for investors

Welcome to Guyana, South America’s emerging hub for business and investment opportunities...

Why Invest in Guyana?

Guyana boasts the fastest-growing economy in the region, driven by significant oil discoveries and production. The country’s GDP growth rate has been consistently high, with projections for continued expansion.

Strategically located at the crossroads of South America and the Caribbean, Guyana offers access to major markets in both regions. Its proximity to North America and Europe enhances trade and business connectivity.

Guyana is rich in resources, including oil, gold, bauxite, diamonds, and timber. The agriculture sector is robust, with opportunities in rice, sugar, seafood, and other agro-products.

The government is committed to creating a business-friendly environment
Guyana boasts a young and educated workforce, with many bilingual professionals.
Significant investments in infrastructure, including roads, ports, and telecommunications, are underway.
Incentives include tax holidays, exemptions, and investment allowances.

Key Sectors for Investment

Guyana's burgeoning oil and gas industry is attracting global attention. The ExxonMobil-led consortium has discovered vast reserves, making Guyana a new energy frontier. Investment opportunities exist in exploration, production, services, and infrastructure.
Guyana is a leading producer of gold and bauxite, with significant deposits of diamonds and other minerals. Investment in mining technology, sustainable practices, and exploration activities are highly encouraged.
The agricultural sector offers vast opportunities in crops like rice, sugar, and tropical fruits. Investment in modern farming techniques, processing facilities, and agro-industries is essential for growth.
Guyana's unique biodiversity and eco-tourism potential attract visitors worldwide. Investments in eco-lodges, adventure tourism, and hospitality services can capitalize on this growing market.

How We Help to Make You Profitable

Research & Understand the Market

Begin by conducting thorough research on Guyana's investment landscape. Familiarize yourself with the country's economic sectors, such as agriculture, mining, tourism, and oil and gas.

Connect with Local Experts

Establish connections with local experts, business advisors, and government authorities in Guyana. TravelGuyana can facilitate introductions to key contacts and provide information

Develop a Comprehensive Plan

Create a detailed investment plan outlining your objectives, strategies, and financial projections. Consider factors such as market entry strategies, legal and tax implications, and potential risks.

How to Get Started

Conduct thorough market research and feasibility studies to identify potential sectors and opportunities aligned with your business goals. Engage with GO-Invest for guidance and support, and participate in investment forums and business delegations.

Understand and comply with local laws and regulations, and seek legal advice to navigate the business environment effectively. Collaborate with local businesses and stakeholders to leverage their market knowledge and networks, exploring joint ventures and strategic alliances.

Stay informed about economic trends and policy changes, and be flexible to adapt your business strategies to evolving market conditions.

Success Stories

ExxonMobil successfully leads offshore oil exploration and production, contributing to Guyana’s economic boom. Banks DIH, a local conglomerate, excels in beverages, food processing, and financial services, showcasing the potential for diverse investments. Noble House Seafoods is a thriving seafood processing company exporting high-quality products worldwide.

Investment Incentives

Guyana offers a range of tax incentives, including corporate tax holidays for specific sectors and exemptions on import duties for capital equipment and raw materials. Financial support is available through development banks and investment funds, and there are public-private partnership opportunities for large infrastructure projects.

The legal and regulatory framework is transparent and investor-friendly, with protection of intellectual property rights and enforcement of contracts. The Guyana Office for Investment (GO-Invest) provides support and guidance to investors, streamlining processes for business registration and permits.



For more information on investment opportunities and support, please contact:

Guyana Office for Investment (GO-Invest)
190 Camp Street, Georgetown, Guyana
Phone: +592-225-0658

Embark on your investment journey in Guyana, a land of untapped potential and boundless opportunities. Join us in shaping the future of this vibrant and dynamic economy.
